Tuesday 18 March 2014

OUGD502 A Design Presence - Visual Identity

I had previously been developing a typeface that I felt reflected my opinion and view on design. It has a mechanical structure and involves a lot of shapes slotting in to place to create the letters.

I chose to develop this more for a visual identity as I think it exhibits a versatility that I would like to promote. I used Helvetica bold as a base, as I found the weight and the width of the letterforms allowed me to do more with them:

I had added more detail into these forms than the first version as I felt, given that only initials would be used in this typeface I had the allowance to make them more detailed without being overwhelming.

I decided to make this aesthetic the theme of my visual identity and so mocked up some patterns in this style to be used throughout my Promo Pack:

Given the very systematic nature of the design, I felt it best to keep the colour scheme a monochrome constant, as again, I didn't want much to distract from the impact of the visuals. I felt that colour combined with the design may overwhelm the viewer.

After referring to my previous research I decided I wanted to use either black stock with white visuals or vice versa, perhaps using a combination of the two.


I tried out some subtle variations in layout of the business card but found that the most simple ones were the ones that lent themselves best to the format when including the design:

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