Saturday, 25 April 2015

Meeting with Mike Sheedy

Following the meeting I had with Fabio a few weeks ago, he had set up the opportunity for me to meet and chat to the course leader of MA Advertising and Design, Mike Sheedy. Unfortunately Fabio was unable to join me in the meeting but that may not have been a bad thing. I went to the School of Design on the Leeds uni campus and was directed towards Mr. Sheedy's office.

When I arrived Mr Sheedy had a few questions for me, asking about what I do and why I want to apply to the course. I explained that I specialise in branding and that ultimately branding and identity is what i want to be doing. I went on to say that, while I was happy being cast as a 'creative' I didn't want that to be all I do, and I wanted to fill a role along the lines of 'creative strategist'.

Mr Sheedy seemed pleased enough with my answer and so then sat back while I asked him questions about the course. I asked him about the module breakdown and he explained to me that half of my modules would be in the Design school and the other half in the business school. I went on to ask him about creative dynamic of the projects we would be set, as I was keen to work more within groups to gain a greater understanding of the way in which my peers approach a project and what they think of it. Mr Sheedy assured me that basically all the creative projects are group projects and that we would be working closely with about three or four other people.

Overall, I found the meeting to be extremely helpful and I was really pleased I was able to meet Mr Sheedy ahead of sending in my application, in the hope that when I did, he would be more likely to remember me than otherwise!

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