I constructed a list of attributes that I felt were vital to our company in terms of our target audience and how we would ensure to be our clients first choice:
1. We strive to ensure that every relationship with our clients is nurtured to encourage it's longevity.
2. We take advantage of the range of disciplines we have as a group.
3. We constantly want to be thinking outside of the box and to make sure all of our ideas are new and current.
4. We are constantly hands on with our projects and never want a client to feel like they're left in the dark.
5. We try to remain easily accessible to our clients and provide flexibility in timetabling and scheduling.
6. We want to carry on learning and experimenting.
7. We wish to take ordinary things and allow our clients and audience to see them in an extraordinary light.
8. We will never settle for anything we don't consider to be excellence.
On top of this, I decided to mock up a mission statement to formalise the statements we had made above. The mission statements talks about us as a company and how and why we want to achieve all the elements of our manifesto. We have chosen a few key elements that we wish to capitalise on while working for Seam, and have explained their relevance and importance.