Methods to contact studios, agencies or other designers:
- Email - biggest guarantee of a response in a timely and efficient manner, also keeps a record of all exchanges made with the recipient.
- Websites/Blog - best option when looking for freelance or collaborative work as clients will be able to see your work in a professional setting. This method is also the best to try and get your name heard or known to other designers or studios.
- Telephone - very direct but not seen as being as professional an approach as others.
- Visiting studios - Gives a good insight into the working environment, also good for making contacts.
- Exhibitions - will often find plenty of other designers and professionals visiting (particularly at openings)
- Work Experience and Internships - gives an employer an insight into how you work and how efficiently, if you have left a good lasting impression and kept in touch it could be useful as a reference or future work.
- Collaboration - working collaboratively gives you another dimension in your work and shows your ability to work with others. It also helps to have a good relationship with people you have worked with in the past.
- Competitions and Live Briefs - Professionals will look at the results of competition briefs and may want to use your work or work with you.
- Creative CV - a different CV will make it stand out from a pile of others, and so should be innovative and intriguing, and accompanied by a business card.
- Seek advice - from peers, tutors and in some cases professionals, it will ensure that your work will be better received if you've had plenty of feedback on it.
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