Tuesday, 21 May 2013

It's Up To You - Packaging

I found that after finishing most of the aspects of my promo pack that it wasn't as innovative or out of the box as I would have liked it to be, so I decided to embody this in the packaging.

This whole concept is very personal but the mailer style packaging is clean and white which sort of takes away from the very personable content.

This packaging feels sort of natural and organic in the materials used. Combined with the colour scheme it gives it quite an earthy exterior.

The concept of this self promotion pack is kept extremely consistent and gives off a top secret impression, until it is opened where it looks lore like a gift basket.

This idea of packaging could become very recognisable for this person, and it prompts the viewer to make the product given to them (with supplies to make it). This ensures that it engages the viewer entirely.

This one is a little more simple but still equally as effective. The tissue paper in accordance with the colour scheme appears very elegant, similarly as with the consistency of the logo stickers.

This designer avoids any chance of the viewer forgetting who he is, embellishing 'Gary Corr' all over the products inside. The printed tissue paper is a nice touch and luckily the sweet provided works perfectly with the colour scheme.

I love this concept of treating the packaging like postage. It builds a slight suspense and curiosity when opening it because it just seems like a package, but a package the employer can't remember ordering.

I decided to do something similar to this postage packaging concept but wanted it to be slightly more personable. After some research I landed on the idea of using a mailing tube but incorporating my own design on the exterior to keep it consistent with the rest of my promo pack.

I tried a couple of the ideas I had generated, each with quite a different approach but both consistent with the rest of the promo pack.

The first was based on a doodle like drawing I had done which I had then scanned in to work from. When it was scanned in I found it was of a poorer quality so I outlined it on illustrator.
Some parts of the image:

While I liked this design, I felt I wanted to keep it more like the other parts of the pack, including the symbols I had designed with a simple label of 'Sarah Butler/ Graphic Designer', and found that this one worked much better in partnership with the other parts of the promo pack.

This design will be mounted around the tube.

The last element of my promo pack is a little more difficult to explain in terms of design process.
The idea for my poster (which I hadn't planned on including) came because I started to doodle with my logo on a spare bit of printer paper and found that some elements of the doodle worked really well, so I redesigned some parts of it on a larger scale.

I added just a little colour, similar to those used in the promo pack which gave it a place with them. It varied hugely from the other parts in terms of style, but instead of looking out of place, seemed more to exhibit versatility.

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