5 Statements about me as an individual:
1. In only the past couple of years I've realised how much I love to travel. No matter where it is, the shift in my surroundings has a huge effect on my the way I look at things; buildings, nature and even people become more interesting when I'm in a place I'm not accustomed to. There's a level of excitement that I get before going abroad that can't be matched by anything.
Similarly, this is the only time I get to spend with my family, something that I've started to appreciate more as I've gotten older. While at 16 I wanted nothing more than to not have to deal with parents and siblings, a short 4 years later, half the excitement of the family holiday is the family part.
Skiing with my family 2012
2. Despite this love to travel, I will always live in a city. I love Leeds but couldn't carry on living here without being a student. I have always planned to go back to London after uni and although I may not stay there forever it is one of my favourite places to be.
3. It is unlikely I will ever have a pet more adventurous than a goldfish. Given that I don't like animals that much, I shouldn't be be made responsible for a creature I don't understand. I have never and will never own a cat, live with anyone who owns a cat or even tolerate someone who really likes their cat. Cats are probably the most demonic creatures in the world and their ridiculous sense of self-righteousness is unparalleled, even by Tom Cruise.
4. I love organising anything and everything that isn't to do with me. For the life of me I couldn't explain why, but I find nothing more satisfying than organising other peoples lives down to the most minute details.
5. Some of the situations I've been confronted with over the past couple of years have allowed me to temporarily step back from what I'm doing at that time and consider things that are so much bigger than that. Although I've realised these things at times that haven't always been great, this momentary change in attitude allows me to put the things that I'm finding difficult to one side and acknowledge how insignificant that they might be. It allows me to put into perspective how lucky I consider myself to be.
5 statements about me as a designer:
1. I am extremely particular and think very logically and I think this is reflected heavily in the designs I most admire and my own designs (at least the ones I actually like).
2. Contrary to what some designers might say about typography and layout design, I don't believe either of these should be used to communicate content of an article or design, they should only be used enhance the message. Both of these elements of design mean nothing without the content.
3. I hugely admire designers that can be successfully minimal. I used to think it would be easy to produce a minimal design but now I think it might be one of the harder parts of Graphic Design when I realised that a whole message is expected to be delivered with a 'the simpler the better' mentality.
4. I love type, but only if I have to look at it twice.
5. I want to spend a lot more time learning about editorial structural and layout design. It's like doing a puzzle, when you have to force something to fit together on a page it's never gonna look right, it almost has to fall into place.
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