Friday, 28 September 2012

HOW TO.. Self Evaluation

What role did you take on in the group?
Designed some initial logo ideas (every group member), set up Facebook page and set up powerpoint.

How well do you think you performed in the role?
Adequately but I was absent on one day so feel as though I could have contributed more.

How well do you think you worked as a group?
Fairly well considering we did not know each other or how the others work. However this meant we had a varied choice of ideas to work from.

What were the positives of working in a group?
Wide variety of opinions and ideas, and the work could be spread evenly among us.

What were the negatives of working in a group?
Difficulty in assigning jobs to certain people to give everyone an even workload, some conflicts in methods of working, and since we didn't know each other it was difficult to know the strengths and weaknesses of each person.

What will you do differently next time?
Find more variety in the brief instead of settling on one very specific question immediately. This was we could have done more work individually as much of this project required all of us at the same time which caused things to progress quite slowly.

Where could you have improved your resolution?
Not been so specific with the brief to give us the opportunity to explore more depth in our final outcome, I found our 'How to' was very limited.

What were the strengths of your presentation?
Consisted of only images for us to explain instead of reading from the presentation and used no notes - gave an impression that we all understood the project and could all individually talk about without help.

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