Saturday, 6 October 2012

Alphabet Soup - Part 1

We were each given a word that we had to illustrate through a typeface, my word was 'shatter'. I chose to adapt Helvetica Bold, keeping it simple as I planned on making some exaggerated designs.

I explored two different routes with it, one being the more expected, shattered or cracked shards of glass. The other I looked at was shattered in terms of exhausted, tired, weakened. For this I made one N to appear as though it was deteriorating, and an H to appear tired. However neither of these seemed to illustrate the word effectively enough so I made more shattered glass designs.


In a group of 11, we each briefly explained our ideas behind the work and present it to the others. From this the others chose the top 5 that fitted the brief the best, which from my selection ended up being the F, E, E, A and M. I agreed with their decision that these were the most fitting.

Once each member of the group stuck their top 5 on the wall, we rotated to another table to narrow the their 55 down to the 5 most fitting and best executed. Bearing in mind that we all had quite varied ideas of what was the best, it was fairly easy to narrow them down, choosing only one in the end that was the best of the group.

I liked the idea of an elimination process in this crit as it forced everyone in the group to be involved in the decision making and the varied opinions allowed me to see things from another persons point of view.

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