Thursday, 11 April 2013

If you were a...?

1. If you were a book what subject would you be and who would read you?

I would be a guidebook to an area in the world. All the content would satisfy my interest in travel, advising readers on tourist spots, shops, food and lesser known districts that interest me.

2.  If you were a package what would you contain and who would open you?

 I would be a Coca-Cola bottle with varying designs depending on public interests, time of year etc. and would be sold as limited edition coke bottles to people interested in the brand or just coke-lovers.

3.     If you were a shop, what would you sell and who would buy from it?

I would sell one specific type of food, I love jams and chutneys, for example chilli jam and would love a shop filled with slightly more obscure jams, like Whole Foods bacon jam. People who shop there would be people who love food and trying new foods.

Ritter-Sport chocolate shop Berlin

4.     If you were a poster, what would you promote and to whom?

I would promote a big event in the world, for example the Olympics or the World Cup. I would like to be able to aim promotions at something that already generates so much public interest. They would then be directed at the whole of the public.

5.     If you were a brand, what would your values be and why are they important?

If I were a brand I would make it important to create a high quality and authentic experience for the public over producing a product. An idea that I'm so interested in is Secret Cinema and how it manages to put you into a situation that you're aware of but never imagined being in.

6.     If you were an exhibition what would you exhibit and where would you show it?

I would like to exhibit 50s and 60s advertising, it was all so overt in it's advertisements and would in some cases be totally dishonest. It aims to sell a lifestyle over a product and leads people to believe this will change their life. I would show it in a house designed and decorated in the style of the era.
This blog is a database of all old school advertisements and it really highlights the difference between now and then.

7.     If you were a leaflet what information would you contain and who would read it?

If I were a leaflet it would be self-promoting, therefore allowing me to fill it with all my own content in terms of text, image, layout and design. It would be directed at people with an interest in graphic design and I would probably design it in a way to make it like a CV, to be read as a job application.

8.     If you were a sign what would you show, to whom would you show it and where?

I would be a big way finding sign, with maps and highlighted areas of interest. I would be in city centres for people who aren't used to the area or are tourists.

9.     If you were an app what would you do and who would use it?

If I were an app I would be a redesigned version of a weather app. I check the weather everyday and check for the following days so I always know what to bring out with me. However, I would redesign it to make it applicable to people in terms of how to prepare for that weather. It would be able to be aimed at almost anyone if they plan on being outside for long.

10. If you were a blog what would your subject be and who would follow you?

If I were a blog I would be aimed specifically at one interest, for example one of my own greatest interests is cinema, and I love learning about the background of the making of the film, and backstage photographs. I would be followed by people who bare the same interest and can appreciate the greatness in a topic.
As an example, one of my favourite blogs is this one of 'Awesome people hanging out together', which is mindlessly entertaining and extremely addictive.